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Darkened Horizons: Issue 3 was the one anthology none of the contributors got along. I was ganged up on in blogs and on other websites for my inclusion in the book. There were people crying for the reissue of the book minus the closing story. Jordan Bobe had a good editor’s note speaking up for more controversial authors saying that the strength of the story will not reflect their reputations. I got along with two contributors and one of them eventually joined The Ethereal Gazette. This is the second anthology Kevin Lucia submitted to and it was under my suggestion because I Was working on a school distributed anthology where he submitted to but the anthology got lost. I was also working on A Library Of Unknown Horrors ushering in James Watts and Scot Savage. This was the first anthology where I met one of the contributors before I published him. I was the one of the few publishers Jordan M. Bobe published in Darkened Horizon and this is the one where I brought one of my Tabloid Purposes alumni and star from The Ethereal Gazette — Alex Rivera along with me to Darkened Horizons. I brought him along with me to RAGE MACHINE MAGAZINE which I was published right from FictionPress. David Rex had the most disgusting story in there. Mine was written clean and it was bizarre and surreal. Not a lot of people are going to get Damnation Observes, but it is the first story I wrote since writing An Eye In Shadows. I never thought everyone would be at each other’s throat on this anthology. Gabby Faust wanted to kill me for the videos I did speaking out against the bullying in the industry by Timothy Lieder, Bandersnatch Books and Skullvines Press.
      I send to Jordon as an afterthought I introduced him to Mike Philbin’s anthologies Darkened Horizons is a more extreme peer of Tabloid Purposes IV and the fourth book had some extremely talented writers in there. It rivals the second Tabloid Purposes but I saw a few from The Blackest Death appear in the pages of this — there was a lot of politics from the publishers of The Blackest Death when I gained the two writers from that anthology Skullvines Press likes to call me a career fan fiction writer dismissing the publishing credits I attained in the business. Withersin was the biggest one as a nonfiction writer. I was always a nonfiction market in the small press, The Dark Fiction Spotlight played the political game in the business willing to use a writer as pawn against an e-zine they were not happy with. I am going to invade some markets as a pen name because the editors publically insulted me on their blogs. Gothic.net called Darkness From The Skies fan fiction when they rejected it. Brian Keene rejected INSECT from horrorfind.com in 2004 because it was too similar to another writer’s work when it was all my own.